For last five years, Bal va Mahila Chetna Samiti has been continuously working with beedi workers to solve their problems at the grassroots level. For the last one year, door to door survey with beedi worker areas have revealed many of their problems, which mainly include health, illiteracy, poverty, low wages, gender inequality etc. Because beedi rolling is risky, there are many health-related issues in the process of beedi rolling such as: – breathing problems, back and spinal pain, uterus related problems, heart and skin disease, loss of eyesight, problem in sitting, cough, blood pressure, cancer etc.
The work of rolling beedis is very hard and the wages are very less. The beedi workers get a maximum of 120/130/150 rupees for making 1000 beedis. Even the whole family together can make only 600 beedis in a day, and out of those too the beedi contractor discards 2 to 3 bundles calling them not perfect and the beedi workers have to bear the cost of the resinous leaves of the bad beedi. Therefore, due to not being financially capable, they are not able to get their health check up and get treatment even if they have any serious illness. Keeping this in mind, the organization in association with the health department of Bhilwara organized a camp for free health checkup of beedi workers and their family members at the primary health center of Sanganer.
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