A computer training center was opened for the daughters of women workers in Maruti Nagar, Bhilwara by Bal va Mahila Chetna Samiti. President of the organization, Tara Ahluwalia said that when women are economically dependent and dependent on someone, they suffer violence, exploitation and humiliation.

When women have skills and abilities, they can earn money and nurture their children. With this objective in mind, a computer training center for workers was opened in Maruti Nagar. Seeing this effort of the organization, there was a lot of enthusiasm among the women. Adolescent girls and young women expressed great joy in learning computers. Tara Ahluwalia said that in today’s technological era, it is very important to learn technical skills along with traditional skills, so that women can keep pace with today’s times. On this occasion, Computer Trainer Afrin, Madrasa Committee Chairman Mohammad Rafiq Silawat, Secretary Anwar Mansoori and organization workers Shyam Lal, Parmesh Dev, Bhavana Joshi were present.

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